Music Ministry

“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness”
Psalm 96:9

The St. Thomas Parish Choir is an adult choral ensemble comprised of parishioners who work alongside professional section leaders. The Choir assists in leading worship for the primary service every Sunday and for special holy days. The group sings a wide variety of musical styles from Gregorian chant to newly composed music. The goal of the Parish choir is to enhance our liturgical celebrations with beautiful music that reflects the liturgical seasons and the lectionary readings, helps worshipers connect with the holy spirit, and feeds the mind as well as the soul. Basic music reading skills and a commitment to regular attendance is required.

The St. Thomas Handbell Choir enhances our liturgy with musical offerings throughout the year and on special occasions. This group of volunteer musicians practice weekly utilizing a set of handbells cast by Schulmerich bell company. Basic music reading skills and a commitment to regular attendance at rehearsals are required.

For more information, contact Minister of Music, Ryan Becker.

Bell Choir Rehearsal Tuesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm
Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm

“Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong.”

Children’s Music Program

Wednesdays in the Choir Room
Kinder – 5th grade
Rehearsals include Choral Training, Orff Instruments, Tone Chimes, and World Drumming.

We are so excited to offer this opportunity for our children to learn how to use their voices to sing God’s praise and learn of God’s love through singing.

For more information, contact Children’s Music Director, PJ Waite.